North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge Cohort 2015-2016

Recipient details


Issuer details

Issuer name
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction

Badge details

North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge Cohort 2015-2016
This educator has successfully completed the requirements for the Global Educator Digital Badge (GEDB) per the North Carolina State Board of Education Policy TCP-H-001 / Criteria for Other Educators. This educator has demonstrated their global competence through the ability to develop or support the classroom teacher in developing their student’s capacity and disposition to understand and act on issues of global significance while teaching the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Attainment of the GEDB is not an endorsement on the educator license, rather it is a reflection of the focused professional development in alignment with the educator professional development plan or goals and strategies resulting in classroom, school, or district practice as demonstrated in the Capstone Project artifact. For more details see:
Global Educator Digital Badge: Online Management Forum

Badge recipients have completed 100 hours or 10 CEUs of global educational professional development and met a Capstone Project requirement.

Users are awarded this badge when they complete the following requirement:
  • Users must complete the course"Global Educator Digital Badge: Online Management Forum"

Badge expiry

Date issued
Thursday, July 13, 2017, 10:00 PM
This badge was issued for completing:
  • Users must complete the course"Global Educator Digital Badge: Online Management Forum"